Rooftop Terrace
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Los Cuatro Vientos y
Chez Elena

Matamoros 520
Puerto Vallarta
Jalisco, Mexico 48380
Tel: 011-523-22-222-0161
FAX: 011-523-22-222-2831

Puerto Vallarta


El Nido Terrace


el-nido-102The Best Sunsets in Vallarta
The rooftop terrace of Hotel Los Cuatro Vientos is transformed every evening into El Nido (the nest) one of the loveliest spots in Vallarta from which to enjoy a refreshing drink and view the sunset featuring an incredible view of the entire City and Bay.

Try either our Margarita, once extolled in Playboy magazine as the finest in Puerto Vallarta or our refreshing house drink, "The Green Flash".

"What is a Green Flash?", you may ask and how did such a unique name find its way to a drink? The green flash, a tiny patch of emerald light seen from time to time just at the last moment of sunset is a well-documented atmospheric phenomenon. Its occurrence and intensity depend on many factors, including an unobstructed view of the horizon. Various atmospheric conditions including a relatively pollution free sky and calm weather support experiencing the green flash.

Just as a prism separates light into a rainbow of visible color, so the atmosphere, when conditions are favourable, disperses the last light of the setting sun into separate colors, a process called refraction. As the last bit of sunlight is broken into horizontal layers of separate colors, blue light which is at the very top is dispersed by contaminants in the atmosphere so it is almost never seen by the human eye. The next layer, the green one, becomes vertically exaggerated and more visible to the human eye just as the lower layers of light are dispersed in the atmosphere as they fall out of sight below the horizon.

At that moment, only the green light is left in our line of sight. A specialty drink at El Nido is appropriately named "The Green Flash".


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